

Web & Digital Marketing Consultant

Products are made in a factory, but brands are made in the consumer’s experience.

Branding & Visual Identity solutions for your business

What is all about Branding?.

It is important not to confuse Branding with ‘Brand Design’. Branding mainly focuses on positioning, strategy and the strategic and extensive devising of a ‘feeling/experience’ for a brand. ‘Brand Design’ focuses specifically on the design part of this. It is actually the shaping of the brand that has been thought out during the Branding process. To avoid confusion between Branding and Brand Design, I call Brand Design within my website ‘ Identity Design’. The end product of branding is often a brand manifesto or brand description. A kind of story or set of rules and character traits that describe a brand. Think of it as the concise description of a person, with his/her strengths, weaknesses, interests, uniqueness, principles and remarkableness, but then for a brand.

What is the importance of Branding?

A primary goal of branding is to consciously invent a brand’s identity based on psychology, strategy and creativity. This brand identity drives all kinds of decisions that would otherwise be left purely to chance. The brand promise (what you stand for), how the brand communicates with its customer, how it presents itself, the principles that the brand has, the origin story, unique characteristics of the brand, etc. All these parts lead to a unique formula that helps to to make the company visible to the target group and to set the company apart from the competition.

What is the difference between Branding and Marketing?

Marketing is actively promoting a product or service and it usually has a ‘push’ effect. You push or direct people to make a decision or purchase through, for example, a YouTube advertisement, Google Adwords or a sales page. Branding communicates the principles, values ​​and vision of a product or service and usually has an ‘attraction’ effect. Branding normally occurs before the marketing process and is reflected in the marketing. Branding can encourage someone to buy a product or service and it supports both its marketing and sales, but Branding is not the part that says, “Buy me!” Instead, Branding says, “This is who I am, this is what I stand for, this is why I exist and if you can relate to this and if you think we’re getting along well then you can buy me, support or recommend to your friends.”

Marketing can therefore contribute to a brand, but the brand itself that is conceived during the Branding phase is bigger than the marketing. Branding also mainly has an impact on the loyalty of a customer. Marketing can, for example, ensure that someone buys an iPhone once. But the branding that has made the Apple brand what it is is the factor that ensures that from that moment on someone only buys iPhones or Apple products. Branding is basically what remains in people’s memories and feelings after they have forgotten about the marketing campaign.

What are the characteristics of branding?

Branding corresponds to the positioning of a brand, which includes rigorously selected elements such as the slogan, the logo, the typo, the colors, the web design or the tone used for its communication on the internet.

At the heart of digital strategy, branding aims to convey a specific message or emotion to consumers while building the personality of the company in question.

In the digital communication of a brand, the branding is then transcribed on all its digital media, in particular social networks, mobile applications or websites.

The graphic identity of a brand then plays a most important role in branding so that the public can easily and quickly understand who is behind it and what the brand produces. Thus, it is essential to choose graphic elements consistent with its values.

This is why the big brands are recognizable with few elements resulting from effective branding, designed by professionals such as digital agencies, which has proven itself over the years.

What are the different types of branding?

On the internet, there are several types of branding as there are several brand strategies. The main thing is to choose the type of branding that best matches the personality of the brand.

A self-entrepreneur can, for example, bet on personal branding which consists of making his own personality public, in particular by highlighting his values, his know-how, his professional opinions or his inspirations on his digital communication media, in particular the networks. social.

Product branding makes it possible to establish a link between the public and a specific product by articulating a large part of its digital strategy on it. It is therefore essential to focus on the graphic charter, in particular the colors, the photos or the sales pitches.

Service branding stands out by focusing on the user experience, starting with taking care of the UX design of its digital communication channels (websites, mobile applications, etc.) and conveying real emotion to the public.

As for the branding of a company, it is a question of communicating on its operation as its methods of production or management.

What is the purpose of Branding?

Know the purpose of branding before you get your branding services.

In order to create a strong, consistent and unique company, it is very important to think carefully about the brand identity that goes with it. Many entrepreneurs often underestimate the power of branding, but in a world that is becoming more and more connected, with more and more freelancers and startups, it is all the more important to pay more attention to what you want to convey and how you feel. want to appeal to your target audience. This goes much further and deeper than just a logo or recognizable color palette.

Just like that during a job interview you are much more than just your clothes and appearance. Appearance matters. The visual component does a lot to our perception and it determines a first impression to a very large extent. However, Branding adds a much deeper layer. It creates (for your brand) the person ‘behind’ the clothing and appearance. This ‘person’ is usually the factor that makes people have a certain feeling about a brand. And because people decide practically everything on the basis of ‘how it feels’ instead of a purely rational consideration, the power of Branding is enormous.

Branding consists of thinking out the mission and vision, the core values, the ‘tone and language’, the guidelines, the positioning, the customer experience, and many more things that influence the experience, the feeling and the perception of the customer. Branding can also include coming up with a company name and usually there is a research phase under the Branding process that looks at the market, the competition and the opportunities that lie there.

Digital marriage


of consumers love a brand with friendly customer service.
of consumers consider switching brands after only one instance of poor service.
of consumers prefer to buy products or services from brands they know.
of people become loyal to brands through content.
Coca-Cola spends an average of $4 billion on branding each year.

What are the main stages of branding?

Branding process is done in different stages.

First of all, it is essential to clearly define the brand by bringing together the elements at the origin of it (motivation of the creators, history, etc.). The objective is to define what are its values, its raison d’être and above all the message to be conveyed. Then, you have to study the market, in particular what consumers are looking for and the positioning of competitors. As a result, the creation of the brand identity can be established, from the name of the brand to the logo, including colors, tone and typos.

Some digital agencies advise defining a “style guide” which consists of gathering all the information that gives meaning to your branding: the tone and vocabulary to use, the use and variation of the logo, the key images, etc.

Finally, the branding must be declined according to the media chosen according to the digital strategy of the company: profiles on social networks, web application, website (e-commerce site or showcase site), etc.

By using digital agencies such as Fullstack in Paris, the company owning the brand benefits from tailor-made support from experienced professionals who will help it define effective branding that is consistent with the message to be transmitted.

What is the difference between brand content and content marketing?

Brand content consists of placing the brand, its product or service at the heart of the content. It is a question of highlighting the brand universe such as its history or its values. The best-known example is storytelling, which can be found through brand strategy, in particular digital communication on social media in order to establish a real link with the target.

As for the characteristics of content marketing, these aim to produce content that responds to the problems of its prospects and customers. As a result, content marketing will not be used to highlight the brand but rather to produce relevant content after studying the needs and expectations of consumers. This is why the content produced will generally be informative, on some websites there are guides, articles, white papers, infographics or even podcasts.

Whether it’s brand content or content marketing, content creation takes time and requires real know-how for the strategy adopted to bear fruit and achieve the objectives set. Thus, many companies choose to entrust this task to service providers such as freelancers or digital agencies.


“If you do your Branding well, your competition becomes irrelevant”

Not sure where to start when it comes to branding? Let me do it! Are you going for a complete branding or are you looking for someone who can help you with visual identity? A lot is possible with me.

I am curious about your challenge! I am happy to provide you with advice. Tell me more about your company or self here below – I will gladly make a first no-obligation brand scan.


Branding and Visual Identity services.


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